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Ukrainian Genealogy Group
National Capital Region - Canada
Ukrainska Henealoichna Hrupa
Stolynochnoho Raionu Kanady

National Anthem of Ukraine

Shche Ne Vmerla Ukraiina
(Ukraine is Not Yet Dead)

Lyrics: Pavlo Chubynski (1839-1884)
Music: Mykhailo Verbytski (1815-1870)
Adopted: 1917

Today's date is:

Christmas comes but twice a year, so does Easter, mostly. (Myroslaw Lomatski)

Important Dates:

Ukrainian Independence Day- August 24th

First Ukrainians enter Manitoba as mercenary troops in Lord Selkirk's hired Swiss de Meuron Regiment - 1817

First Ukrainian Settlers arrive at Montreal - September 7th, 1891

There are only


days left until our next meeting, Tuesday, September 24th 2024


All meetings are held in English !

For information about the UGG-NCR, please refer to our Promotional Brochure in pdf format.

This is a self-help group without a budget, so please do not send any requests for information to us. If you are looking for information, please go to http://www.infoukes.com and subscribe to the genealogy list or to http//lists.rootsweb.com/index/intl/UKR/UKR-GENSEARCH.html

Please note our email address has changed to uggncr1@gmail.com



The next meeting of the Ukrainian Genealogical Group - NCR

will take place on: 

Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 - 1930h (7:30pm) Eastern

The topic of our presentation:


The DP Experience: One Family’s Story


Zonia Keywan

In this presentation, Zonia Keywan recounts her family’s experience as refugees from Western Ukraine during and after World War II. Her discussion is based on two autobiographical novels authored by her mother, Maria Adriana Keywan. The account touches on the causes of displacement of Ukrainians at that time, living conditions in post-war displaced persons (DP) camps and finally, relocation to a new country of residence. The talk is illustrated by family documents and other visual material.








To register for this free webinar,  please click here


View our latest monthly Newsletter and Meeting Poster.


War in Ukraine - We are deeply saddened by the atrocities and suffering currently being experienced in Ukraine due to the Russian invasion. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your thoughts and prayers.


There are many local, national, and international organizations currently engaged in fundraising and other support activities to help Ukrainians during the war.    If you are looking for a charity to support, we have listed a few here.  The American-based based charities in the list have been identified to us by our friends at Nashi Predky.


Our list is not exhaustive, and there are many other worthwhile charities not on our list that you can consider supporting which will make a difference during these difficult times in Ukraine.  


Слава Україні / Glory to Ukraine  

UGG-NCR Webinars/Recordings - Since 2020, UGG-NCR been delivering monthly presentations as online webinars. One aim has been to expand our base of potential speakers beyond our traditional Ottawa area. As well this approach allowed UGG-NCR members who cannot attend a particular meeting in person, the possibility of participating remotely (or to watch a recorded version of the presentation at a later date). And lastly, this could attract new membership outside of the National Capital Region.

Many of our webinars have been recorded. To access those webinars, please click here.

UGG-NCR Memberships and Donations 


As a not-for-profit community organization, we rely on voluntary membership fees to defray our operating costs (e.g. providing webinars, web hosting costs, publishing costs, etc..).  Our suggested annual membership remains the same $20.00 per individual or per couple. We also accept donations. As always, the general public is free to attend any of our meetings, webinars, or events at no cost.


We have instituted an e-transfer capability to allow our members to forward us their voluntary membership fees or donations from the comfort of home.  Follow the easy steps as described here:


If you still wish to pay/donate by cheque or other means, please send us an email at uggncr1@gmail.com and we will accommodate alternate arrangements.  


Thank you in advance for your support.



Previous Meetings & Newsletters - information and links

The information about previous presentations and newsletters has been moved here.  Please press Previous Meetings above.

UGG-NCR Resource Center Holdings
A list of the holdings of our Resource Centre.  For further information or to make donations, please contact Mike Dowhan at <uggncr1@gmail.com>

Forms, Articles & Software - information and links

Downloadable Forms, Genealogy Articles and Software have now been moved here.  Please press Forms above.

Ottawa Page

Primarily a link to Ukrainian organizations in Ottawa.

Meeting Dates (subject to change) - all held on Tuesdays (currently via Webinar)

  • September 24th, 2024
  • October 22th, 2024
  • November 26th, 2024
  • January 28rd, 2025
  • February 25th, 2025
  • March 25th 2025
  • April 22rd, 2025
  • May 27th, 2025


Local Announcements and Resources for the Genealogist

Annotated Bibliography of Ukrainian Canadian Family History Publications - This bibliography on Ukrainian family histories should be consulted by researchers who are interested in locating information on Ukrainian families with the same surnames, departing from the same villages in Ukraine and settling in the same areas in Canada  

Displaced Persons - Several websites to assist in researching Displaced Persons (DP) topics, were presented at our September 22, 2009 meeting. They include:

http://dpcamps.org/ - provides a wealth of information regarding DP camps in Germany and other parts of Europe.
http://www.its-arolsen.org - the International Tracing Service (ITS) website for the Bad Arolsen archives where you can apply for detention, employment or stay records of people in Germany during and immediately after WWII.
http://thewildplace.netfirms.com - For a detailed account of DP camp life, you must read "The Wild Place" by Kathryn Hulme http://www.huri.harvard.edu/lib/archives/ukr_council.html - Sports in DP Camps


Ukrainian Profile TV show - On November 1, 2009 the Ukrainian Profile TV show broadcast on Ottawa Roger's Cable 22 featured a brief interview with Myron Momryk and Mike Dowhan of the Ukrainian Genealogy Group (National Capital Region). You can view it at the link below:


On April 13, 2013 our UGG-NCR group again appeared on the local Ukrainian Profile TV show. This time Jerry Fikis and Mike Dowhan represented our group for an interview with Ron Sorobey. The interview can be viewed on the link below:

Lists of Immigrations (1930-1950) Privy Council "Orders in Council"  - At our February 25, 2014 meeting, Joanna Crandell made a presentation on the topic: Immigration to Canada, 1930-1950. This presentation provided background regarding the lists of immigrants who were approved to come to Canada by Orders in Council approved by the Privy Council of Canada for the years between 1930 and 1950. Each Orders in Council contained a list of names of immigrants approved to come to Canada - and waived or made exceptions to the current immigration regulations for the specific people named in the lists. The lists also contain other information about the immigrants and the names and other information about the people in Canada sponsoring them.  

The lists typically do not contain names of immigrants who were British citizens or from England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales. Rather they generally contain other nationalities including Ukrainians and other East Europeans. These lists have been photographed and indexed. The website www.orderincouncillists.com lists the names, provides more information on the Orders in Council , as well as explains how to obtain copies of the original records.


Nashi Predky Ukrainian Family History Group The Nashi Predky (Our Ancestors) Family History Group based in Somerset, NJ brings together aspiring genealogists with a wide range of worldwide experts on the various ethnic groups in current day Ukraine and southeast Poland.

Nashi Predky hosts various conferences and webinars.  For a more information on the full schedule of presentations throughout the year and how to register, please refer to https://www.ukrhec.org/family-history-group. 

Mike Buryk who is one of Nashi Predky's founders delivered a Skype presentation to UGG-NCR at our October 2019 meeting entitled "A History of Ukrainians in the U.S.:  1600 - 2019". For those researching Ukrainian-American immigration and community life, Mike provided a bibliography of references. 

Mike also hosts and produces two monthly podcasts in English:  Krynytsya (the Well) https://soundcloud.com/krynytsya which focuses on the activities of Ukrainians around the world; and, Made in Ukraine Tech Startup Edition https://soundcloud.com/ukrainetech, which covers the efforts of Ukrainian tech companies to go global.

In October 2020 Mike Dowhan of our UGG-NCR Board was interviewed about the history and activities of our organization. This interview can be heard at the following link within the Krynytsya (the Well) podcast series.

Ottawa Stake Family History Center Family History Centers (FHCs) are branches of FamilySearch and the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah (United States), located all over the world. Their goal is to provide resources to assist you in the research and study of your genealogy and family history by:

  • Giving personal one-on-one assistance to patrons
  • Providing access to genealogical records through the Internet
  • Offering free how-to classes (varies by location)

The Ottawa Branch of the Family History Center is located at:

1017 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Phone: 613-800-4250
Website: https://www.ottawastakefhc.on.ca/

Satellites and Settlements - At our November 28, 2006 meeting, Ron Brown made a presentation discussing the use of satellite imagery in genealogy and the availability of these data. Ron also compiled a list of URLs (Universal Resource Locators) which provide sources of Satellite Data, Airphotos & Software that can be found on the Internet.

Canadian Genealogy Centre - 1915-1951 Canadian naturalization Database. The Canadian naturalization databases contain references to about 200,000 people who applied for and received status as naturalized Canadians from 1915 to 1932.


Census of the Northwest Provinces, 1906 - In order to track the high rates of population growth in western Canada, the Canadian government called for a special census of the prairie provinces (Manitoba, and the two newly created provinces of Saskatchewan, and Alberta). This endeavour continued every 10 years from 1906 to 1956, at which time the Census of the Northwest Provinces became part of the Canada-wide census. Through this research tool you can access digitized images of original census returns, which recorded the names of family members, their sex, marital status, year of immigration to Canada, post office address, etc. 1906 Census transcription form in PDF format - legal size paper: Download Here


Ontario Genealogical Society, Ottawa Branch

Gene-O-Rama 2021 (Virtual format ... for the first time ever !!)

Date: March 27-28, 2021
Location: On-Line

For more information, check https://ottawa.ogs.on.ca/geneorama/


Toronto Ukrainian Genealogy Group - The Toronto Ukrainian Genealogy Group (TUGG) meets at St. Vladimir Institute, 620 Spadina Avenue, on the second Tuesday of the month, from September to June from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The members are first to fourth generation Canadians, and they are researching their personal family histories in Canada, the United States and also in Ukraine or Poland. All meetings are held in English.  The yearly membership is $35 single, $42 for a family, or $5 per meeting. There is parking on the street or in the lot behind the building. 

The Next Meeting of the Toronto Ukrainian Genealogy Group (TUGG) is as follows:

To be announced

Those who wish to receive further information can:


List of Ukrainian LDS films at the Toronto Family History Center

The Toronto Ukrainian Genealogy Group (TUGG) have added to their website, a list of the Ukrainian LDS Films, which are on permanent loan at the Toronto Family History Center.

Since these films are on permanent loan in their vault system, they are readily available for viewing at no charge. You do not have to be a member of the Mormons to access these films and the Toronto Family History Center. The Center operates much as does a library and the volunteer staff are very helpful and friendly. You can get a description of what is on each film by going to:  http://www.torugg.org/Publications/lds_vault.html. 

Should you find a description of a village/town you are interested in, simply arrange a microfilm film viewer by phoning the FHC at 416/ 422-5480. When you visit the Center, ask for the film # from the vault. The Ukrainian films are all in one location. 

They are located at 24 Ferrand Drive in North York. Ferrand Drive is between the DV Parkway and Don Mills Rd.


British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa -


The Society focus is on family histories of people with origins in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, whose ancestors migrated to North America and settled in Canada. BIFHSGO is an independent society of members. It works in close cooperation with the National Archives of Canada, particularly on joint indexing projects. The Society belongs to federations and national societies in Canada, the British Isles and the United States. Greater Ottawa is a geographic identifier. It shows the Society spans both sides of the Ottawa River. It is a large land area originally settled by migrants with roots in the British Isles. They began arriving 200 years ago. The Ottawa and Rideau Rivers were then the only transportation routes into the newly surveyed lands. The Society's panorama unrolls to take in places of origin of those pioneer migrants. It sweeps beyond to territories settled by descendants throughout North America and other parts of the world.


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - the new version of Personal Ancestral File (PAF 5) is available by download only at no cost. This is one of the best software packages around and the only one I am aware of that will accept cyrillic letters and print out properly. However, if you are running anything older than WIN98, you should download PAF 4, which unfortunately does not support cyrillic. I understand that WIN95 will work with the drivers, but if you are hesitant, best to stick to the previous version and put your cyrillic notes into a word processor file. Go to: http://www.familysearch.org/You can also visit the local branch of the Family History Centre, 1017 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, Canada. Tel 613 224-2231 (call ahead to reserve a computer or fiche reader)


East European Genealogical Society - Most popular EEGS current areas: Galicia including east Galicia (Ukraine) and west Galicia (Poland) followed by Volhynia and Bukovina. Popular EEGS pre-WWI areas: Austro-Hungarian Empire (Bohemia, Bukovina, Galicia, Hungary, Moravia), German Empire (East Prussia, Posen, Silesia, West Prussia), Russian Empire (Bessarabia, Congress Poland, Ekaterinoslav, Grodno, Kherson, Kiev, Volhynia), and Romania. Popular EEGS Current countries: Austria, Belorus, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine. Popular EEGS Ethnic groups: German, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Jewish, Mennonite, Romanian. Popular EEGS Religions: Roman and Greek Catholic, Lutheran, Judaic, Mennonite, Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox, Bohemian / Moravian Brethren.


Canadian Red Cross Tracing Service - Each year Canadian Red Cross staff and volunteers handle about 6,000 tracing cases. If you wish to place an inquiry with the Tracing Service, please ensure that you provide us with the following information: Full name of sought person, Date of birth or age, Father's name, Mother's name, Last known address, Date of last news, Reason for separation, Reason for search, Personal background information, Your full name, Address, Your relationship to the sought person For further information on the Tracing Service or to submit your tracing request, please contact your local Red Cross office.


A listing of useful Ukrainian and Genealogical sites

Brama - Ukraine - a very comprehensive and current site featuring Arts and Culture, Business, Calendar of Events, Computing and Software, Education, Entertainment Humor, Forum, Issues, Law, News and Media, Nova Khvylia (New Wave), Services, Shopping, Sports, Travel, about Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Embassies, Ministries, etc.

Ukraine on the Internet - A link to many varied topics of interest to Ukrainians.

General Facts About Ukraine - if you want to know about the country, then this site has a lot to offer and is about Ukraine today if you are interested in traveling there in the future. This site includes tips, money, credit cards, currency exchanges, barbers and beauty shops, tracing Genealogy Roots, photos of many cities and so much more http://www.uazone.net/Ukraine_General.html and also a page dealing with a Guide to Kiev including photos http://www.uazone.net/Caption.html and http://www.uazone.net/Ukraine_toc.html

Paul's Guide to Cyrillic and Polish for Windows 95/98/Me (Not XP*)
This guide will allow you to type in Ukrainian without purchasing any other programs. It allows you to use virtually any word processor, spread sheet or database. The best part is that there are QWERTY compatible keyboards which means that the keys are in the same place as we are used to in the English speaking world. At present, this link does not seem to be working. If you are interested, please contact me at: ted.lomatski@canada.com
*XP - eXpensive Program

Velykyi Tyzhden' - Ukrainian Easter Week - Ukrainian Easter celebrations, rites and customs http://ukrainian-easter.20m.com/

The Day - Weekly Digest - Ukrainian newspaper in English (also Ukrainian and Russian) offers an inciteful look at the issues in Ukraine today, their relation to world realities and the impact of Ukrainian customs, history and religions on present day events. A very concise and readable publication. http://www.day.kiev.ua/DIGEST/


Maps of Ukraine - this website that has 1:100,000 topographic maps of the Ukraine. These maps are dated 1942 and show villages that had less than a thousand people at the time. We were really impressed with the detail that could be seen in these maps. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/EART/maps/ukraine/ukraine.html

The JewishGen ShtetlSeeker (Maps) - The U.S. Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) provide foreign geographic names information from the Geographic Names Database (GNDB). GNDB foreign geographic names information is used to prepare country gazetteers of feature names approved by the US Board on Geographic Names (US BGN). ShtetlSeeker Functions: Search the towns in Central and Eastern Europe, using exact spelling or the Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex system. This search will display latitude and longitude for each location, as well as the distance to the country's capital city. List all of the towns within a certain distance of given latitude / longitude coordinates. (You may find these coordinates using the above town search). http://www.jewishgen.org/ShtetlSeeker/

"Ukraine: A Historical Atlas" by Paul Robert Magocsi can be viewed online. This is an excellent atlas for beginners of Ukrainian genealogy to obtain a visual understanding of the complexity of this area. http://www.city.sumy.ua/history/ukraine.html

History, maps and more, good place to start. http://www.ukraine.com/

Rootsweb: Ukraine Genealogy
Old and new maps of the Ukraine, surname searches, lots of genelaogy information and research tools. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ukrwgw/

MapQuest - whether trying to locate a town for your family tree, or trying to find a local address, this is a great site. - www.mapquest.com

Global Gazetteer - is a great web site. It is a directory of 2,880,532 of the world's cities and towns, sorted by country and linked to a map for each town. A tab separated list is available for each country. http://www.calle.com/world/

Cities, Regions/Oblasts and Church Records - found in the LDS Family History Library Catalog. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ukrwgw/fhc.html

Research Sites

Cyndi's List - is one of the most comprehensive genealogy related lists there is on the web with over 112,000 links! If you have not tried it out yet, please do, it will quickly become your favourite tool! - http://www.cyndislist.com
Canada - http://www.cyndislist.com/canada.htm

ARCHEION - Ontario's Archival Information Network ARCHEION is a searchable gateway to online descriptions of archival fonds and collections found in archives across Ontario. Repositories are institutional members of the Archives Association of Ontario. The components of ARCHEION include: Descriptions of archival documents The ability to search the descriptions Contact information for the archives where the documents can be accessed ARCHEION aims to be a comprehensive online research tool, a one-stop gateway to information about the documentary heritage of Ontario. http://archeion-aao.fis.utoronto.ca/

American Family Immigration History Centre - Ellis Island -  this site was created to help people search for and tell stories about the over 22 million passengers and members of ships' crews who came to America through Ellis Island and the Port of New York between 1892 and 1924. http://www.ellisisland.org/default.asp

British Commonwealth and the USA - by Alan Tupman is another site with links to relevant materials for the British Commonwealth and the USA. Where there is a page that already provides considerable information, then a link is provided to save unnecessary duplication. In all cases there should be a maximum of two links between you and the source data. http://freespace.virgin.net/alan.tupman/sites/

1901 British Census - the Public Record Office has put the 1901 census on the web. Unfortunately, it has become overloaded and is shut down for server upgrading. The Public Record Office is the national archive of England, Wales and the United Kingdom. It brings together and preserves the records of central government and the courts of law, and makes them available to all who wish to consult them. The records span an unbroken period from the 11th century to the present day. http://www.census.pro.gov.uk

Hamburg Passenger Lists - available at the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) lists all passengers that sailed from the Port of Hamburg from 1850 - 1934 which covers the bulk of Ukrainians immigrating to the new world http://www.genealogienetz.de/gene/misc/emig/

The Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - The Compass is a guide to help locate shipping records and other immigration information. It includes such information as immigration and naturalisation,ethnic, immigrant, emigrant and maritime resources. It consists of a number of links, that are well organised. When I tried it, I was pleased to find that their search engine took wild cards, so that I was able to come up with the original spellings - all those uks, iuks, ucks, etc. When you do come up with the records, you can click on the entry and they give you a bit more information - enough to come up with a link. However, they charge $7CDN for a copy of the transcript. On the other hand, there is enough information for you to go back to the source document yourself. Definitely worth checking out! - http://istg.rootsweb.com/newcompass/pcindex.html

Hamburg Port Site
The city of Hamburg, accommodating emigrants in the past and to this very day, is in exclusive possession of lists of those who passed through her utilizing the harbor. Bremen and other cities lost almost all these precious lists, but only Hamburg managed to safeguard complete records covering the flow of emigrants from 1850 to 1934. What makes these lists so valuable, is the fact that even the hometowns from whence the emigrants came is recorded. By the year 2003, the city of Hamburg expects to be able to display the lists for the entire period covering emigration from 1850 to 1934. All the data pertaining to the emigrant lists are being processed and brought to the Internet, here at this center. Currently there is access to the years: 1890-1900.

LI-RA-MA Collection - the LI-RA-MA Collection (MG 30 E 406) consists of documents created by the Imperial Russian Consular offices in Canada during the period 1898 to 1922. The Passport/Identity Papers series consists of about 11,400 files on Russian and East European immigrants (Jews, Ukrainians, Poles, Finns, etc.) who settled in Canada in the first two decades of the twentieth century. The files include documents such as passport applications and background questionnaires. Many of the records are written in Russian Cyrillic; the National Archives does not provide a translation service. http://www.archives.ca/02/02020203_e.html#lirama
The National Archives in Washington, D.C., holds a similar collection of records compiled by the Russian Consular offices in the United States. For further information, consult Sallyann Sack's publication The Russian Consular Records Index and Catalogue, or contact the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Washington, P.O. Box 31122, BETHESDA MD 20824-1122.
Index to Russian Consular Records. Lists over 70,000 persons who transacted business with the Russian Czarist consulates in the United States from about 1849-1926. Shows surname, given name, place of residence and locator reference to microfilm in the U.S. National Archives that contains the original documents. Indexed using the Daitch Mokotoff Soundex System. (7 fiches). http://www.jewishgen.org/jgsgb/jgsgb-resources.html#AJGSFiche

Library and Archives of Canada - the National Library and the National Archives are in the process of amalgamation.  One of the outcomes of this will be the Canadian Genealogical Centre - a one-stop shop for genealogists.  We will keep you informed with updated links and the changes are implemented.

National Archives of Canada - databases available on internet. General Descriptions of Fonds and Collections - General Inventory (This includes a listing of fonds from private individuals and community organizations including material relating to Ukrainians and other Slavic Groups in Canada. Researchers can search under family name, location in Canada, Ukrainian organization and other titles) Finding Aids Textual Documents - Records created by Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government of Canada. Canadian Expeditionary Force - First World War /Attestation Records/ Court Martials of the First World War (Prototype accessible onsite only) Post Offices /Lists information post offices and postmasters/ Dominion Land Grants, Immigration Records (1925-1935) Prime Ministers Papers (Prototype accessible on site only) Audio Visual Records - Films, videos and sound recordings - Photographs - Works of art and caricatures http://www.archives.ca/

National Library of Canada - collections focus primarily on Canadiana, works in all subjects written by, about or of interest to Canadians, published in Canada or abroad. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/index-e.html

  • Canadian Literature Research Service

  • Canadian Children's literature Literary manuscripts

  • Electronic collection of Canadian books and periodicals

  • Jacob M. Lowy Collection of rare Hebraica and Judaica

  • Microform Collections

  • Music Printed music, Music archives Recorded sound and video

  • National, provincial/territorial, county and city directories

  • National bibliographies of foreign countries

  • Newspapers

  • Official publications of Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments

  • Official publications of foreign governments and international organizations

  • Preservation Collection of Canadiana

  • Rare books

  • Reference Collection

Find a Grave - Another good source for locating grave sites. http://www.findagrave.com/index.html

General Research Tools

The Encyclopaedia Britannica - is over 200 years old. It is free on the web, and now features "Britannica's Heritage", a collection of articles from their past tomes. - http://www.britannica.com

Language Tools - Look up words with general and specialized dictionary / thesaurus tools or translate words, text or web pages into another language with this great collection of reference tools. Research-It! - brings you several language tools like dictionaries and translation tools, biographical and quotation resources, maps, stock quotes ... the list is long, go have a look for yourself. Find-It! - Find what you're looking for with ease using the finest Internet search tools for the web and discussion newsgroups or find people, software or anything else. http://www.itools.com

Carpathian Rus' Sites & Organisations

Rusyns, Rusins, Rusnaks, Ruthenes, Ruthenians, Carpatho-Russians, Carpatho-Ruthenians, Carpatho-Ukrainians and Lemkos

Lemko Site (Lemkos are a group of Ukrainians from a mountainous area of Ukraine - also known as Ruthians) offers much iinfformation about the country, history, religion, etc.- http://www.lemko.org

The Carpathian Connection - http://www.tccweb.org/

Carpatho-Rusyn Knowledge Base - http://www.carpatho-rusyn.org/

Carpatho-Rusyn Society - 125 Westland Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15217 - http://www.carpathorusynsociety.org/

Carpatho-Rusyn Genealogy Web Site - Although this site focuses on Carpatho-Rusyn genealogy, it is recognized that the ethnic background of persons from areas where Carpatho-Rusyns lived (primarily where Poland, Slovakia, the Ukraine, and Hungary adjoin or nearly adjoin) is often in doubt. Many other ethnic groups previously lived or now live in this area (Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Ukrainian, German, Jewish, and others). Understandably, many persons whose ancestors come from this area are unclear of their ethnic origins. Also, there was intermarriage between such groups before and after immigration. The focus at this web site is on information that may aid those interested in genealogy in tracing their ancestors, all or some of whom may have been Carpatho-Rusyns. Much of this information may be found in listings and publications of other ethnic groups. Unlike organizations or individuals whose goals are to primarily promote ethnic identity, the goal at this site is to promote genealogical research for those whose ancestors may be Carpatho-Rusyns (also known as Rusyns, Rusins, Rusnaks, Ruthenes, Ruthenians, Carpatho-Russians, Carpatho-Ruthenians, Carpatho-Ukrainians and Lemkos). http://www.rusyn.com/

Embassy of Ukraine in Canada - 310 Somerset St., Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0J9 Tel. (613) 230-2961; Fax (613) 230-2400

{short description of image}Canadian Representatives abroad by country - http://dfait-maeci.gc.ca/english/missions/rep-can1e.htm

Oblasts (Provinces) in Ukraine as well as Church Records
either released or pending release by the LDS

Oblasts and Raions in Ukraine

Vital and Marriage Records From Greek Catholic and Orthodox Parishesin Former Austrian Galicia, Former Malo Rus, Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus (former Byelorussia)

Addresses for Archives in Western Ukraine and South-Eastern Poland

Vital and Marriage Records From Greek Catholic and Orthodox Parishes in Former Austrian Galicia, Former Malo Rus, Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus (former Byelorussia) available through the Mormon Family History Library (FHL). The parish records identified are not the only ones available from the FHL. They are only the most recent records obtained by the LDS. To determine the complete list, consult the LDS Family History Library Catalog (FHLC).

Localities in Ukraine - Latin/Cyrillic

Halychyn / Galician / Polish / Austrian / German / Russian related Sites

German Genealogy: Tips for Researchers - this site is good for those dealing with terminology on old Austrian (Galician) documents http://www2.genealogy.net/gene/www/ghlp/tips.html

Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg - background on St. Petersburg and the creators of the Museum, first and foremost on Catherine the Great. Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg as his "Window to the West" and both the city and the museum have from the 18th to the 21st century had strong connections with the West, some friendly, some forced. You will find traces of such connections even in Ottawa. The Canadian Friends of the Hermitage is the membership and volunteer arm of The State Hermitage Museum Foundation of Canada. The Rt. Hon. Ramon Hnatyshyn is the Honorary Chairman of the Foundation.
http://www.hermitagemuseum.ca/ and http://www.hermitage.ru/

Naming customs in Poland and Ukraine - see Ukraine - naming customs http://www.rootsweb.com/~polwgw/naming.html

Polish Research Website - documents from Halychyna (Galicia) and Bukovia are held in the archivies in Warsaw. http://members.xoom.com/agadadm/

Researching Russian Roots - very practical advise on how to do research in Russia, as well as links to Ukrainian and Belarussian genealogical information. http://www.mtu-net.ru/rrr/how.htm

Revelations from the Russian Archives - provides many links to material on Soviet history and its represive measures, such as the Ukrainian Famine, deportations and collectivisation. http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/intro.html

Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe - this web page is devoted to the study of those people with German ancestry (generally of the Lutheran, Baptist, or Catholic faiths) who lived in present-day Poland (including those lands known previously as West and East Prussia, Posen, Silesia, and Pomerania), and also those people who lived in the western part of present-day Ukraine, in the old pre-World War II province of Volhynia (generally from the city of Kiev on the east to the present-day Polish border on the west, and from the city of Zhitomir on the south to the city of Kowel on the north). http://www.sggee.org/

Ukrainian Genealogy

Genealogy of Halychyna / Eastern Galicia - focuses on geeneealogical study for those researching their Ukrainian and Polish roots in Halychyna / Eastern Galicia / Western Ukraine

Ukraine Genealogy Forum

Ukrainian Roots - Genealogy Webring Home Page
Premier webring homepage dedicated in bringing together web sites devoted to Ukrainian genealogy research. The first and only webring exclusively for Ukrainian genealogy web sites.

InfoUkes- this site has many articles on genealogy as well as a mailing list forum for asking questions related to Ukrainian genealogy. There are also different areas for history, culture and computers, etc.

Introduction to Genealogical Research - An excellent site for both those starting and well versed in Austrian-Hungarian research. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~atpc/genealogy/articles/introgenres.html

Ukrainian Research Page
This page has many excellent links for the genealogist and researcher and historian and covers all nationalities in the area. - highly recommended.

Ukrainian Heraldry / Coats of Arms

Ukraine - State Symbol (The Trident / Tryzub)
See the new revised coat of arms and learn the history of our symbols.

Ukrainian Heraldry

Jewish Web Index / Ukraine - very comprehensive links to all things Ukrainian

Military Related Sites

US Centre for Military History- probably the best site to start looking at if you're interested in US military history or have had relatives serve in the US military. It is an official gov't site. http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/moha

Canadian War Museum- http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/cwme.asp

A Selected Bibliography of Canadian Military History Since Confederation - by Desmond Morton Director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada http://www.arts.mcgill.ca/programs/misc/dmbib.html

Regiments.org- lists of links to all Commonwealth units, Commonwealth military history http://regiments.org/milhist/about/index.htm

Commonwealth War Graves Commission - using this site, you can find the exact location of any Canadian or Commonwealth war grave. This site gives more information from a historical perspective than the Veterans Affairs Canada site. However, they should be used in conjunction for a more complete dossier. http://www.cwgc.org/

Veterans Affairs Canada - they consider one of their roles to be the preservation of the memory of our veterans' deeds. Useful information, links. http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?source=memorials

Books of Remembrance - these books are on display in the Peace Tower and list all of Canada's war dead. You can find the page listing a particular name and download/print it out. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/books/remember.htm

Directorate of History & Heritage- DND's history section. Lots of useful links and information. They are also compiling a complete on-line listing of Canada's war memorials. The results so far can searched by location. http://www.dnd.ca/hr/dhh/engraph/home_e.asp


Additions, corrections, suggestions and links are all welcome!

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